The Concept of Technology

“If we teach today as we taught yesterday, we rob our children of tomorrow.”

-John Dewey

I love this quote by John Dewey – it sums up exactly why we use technology in the classroom. In Today’s society everyone owns some form of technology and if teachers are not using technology to teach, students are learning in an ‘old fashioned’ way. Throughout my course and many pracs, I have realised how much school are changing and how differently students are learning; compared to only a few years ago when I was a student. Last week we were asked to create a concept map relating to reasons why technology should be used in the classroom. It was interesting reading other concept maps and realising how many people come up with the same ideas and reasons. It is really important to ensure students are independently learning and they are becoming 21st century learners. There were other reasons such as enhancing, assisting and improving quality of learning – which I think are imperative when teaching.

After reading through and looking at many blogs, forum posts and concept maps, here is mine:

Mind Map

Kirsten and Micah’s blogs for this week also included their concept maps. I think it is really important to get as many views as possible regarding ICTs in education, and concept maps created on the internet are a great way to read information and ideas quickly and effectively.

– Ashleigh

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