Is Technology Becoming our new Best Friend?

Many people in today’s society – particular the older generations in the world often think technology is making the younger generations anti-social. We are getting in touch with our new best friend – our phone and iPad. However in my opinion this is not the case for everyone. Take country kids for example, we grow up with a minimum amount of technology in the house, most of us grow up without WiFi or phone service. This is quite a bit different to the way city kids grow up – they have endless wireless broadband and excellent phone service.

Although technologies such as phones and computers seem to be becoming teenagers best friends, it’s frightening to think younger kids are also becoming attached to technologies such as iPads and tablets. It is really important for parents to ensure their children are having minimal amounts of time using technologies to ensure they are also making their own fun and being active.

Being a HPE teacher I have strong opinions about children being active, and I guess growing up in the country I was one of those kids. Exercise and play is important for children to grow up and start building their imagination – its a great way to socialise with their siblings or friends at school as well. A great example of kids not being active as they get older is my younger cousins. My cousins are between the ages of 4 and 13, and all of them have a iPad or a tablet, and all of them use these technologies all the time.

As these kids grow up they may find it hard to socialise in person with other people. This video has a very strong message and I feel as though more teenagers and young adults should watch this video to open their eyes to what the world is turning into. The world is becoming somewhere where it is easier to send a facebook message or a text rather than get away from your computer and talk to your friends in person. I think it is important for us to realise that kids still have friends, they are just socialising with their friends in a different way. Dave also points this out in his most recent blog – and I totally agree with it.

– Ashleigh

How has Technology Changed the World?

This video outlines the changes in technology over time and how these technologies have changed the world. Can you imagine if these changes didn’t happen, how hard would life be now?

It’s so interesting to thing about the changes which have happened with technology over time. To think wheels started out as wood and eventually became the wheels we have today is so interesting. Technology has not only changed the world, but it has changed schools and how teachers teach in classrooms.

Obviously depending on what you teach and the age group you teach, depends on the type and amount of technology you use – which means every teacher is going to use different technology.

Think about the technology you use in a classroom (for me that would be technology in a HPE class) – now think of what technology another teacher would use (eg. a year 5 teacher).

– Ashleigh