Who Answered Questions B.G?

You’re all probably thinking ‘what era is B.G.?’ – Before Google.

Before Google was a time when we would just ask Mum and Dad that question or we would go to the Doctor to get a diagnosis and we would have conversations with friends to find out things through word of mouth. The news was not able to be ‘Googled’, and if you wanted a picture of nature, you would just simply walk outside and take one. Before Google you needed to really think about what assignments mean, you couldn’t Google the assignment question and see what came up. Before Google you had to read actual books to get information for assignments and tests. Before Google we didn’t have near as many technology based things as what we do now!

This video is from the week two study material. It outlines many different interesting facts about technology evolution and how the world has changed. Did you know that now days there are more text messages and instant messages sent than there are people in the world!

Although Google has made life a little easier, maybe it has made life too easy. Have you ever say at a table with a group of friends, ask a question and they answer ‘oh, just Google that’. I can tell you now that happens to me on an almost daily basis. Don’t get me wrong, I think Google is great, however I much prefer talking and socialising with people about world issues and day to day things, rather than having a very short and sometimes false conversation with Google.

– Ashleigh 🙂

What’s Your Definition of Technology?


Everyone has their own definition of technology, and views on how it should be used in the classroom. In my opinion technology is anything which can assist you in everyday life and make tasks easier. In terms of it being used in the classroom, it should be used by the students and teachers to assist and enhance the learning that takes place in a classroom.

Many people think of technology of being electronic equipment, however, think back to when we started school. I know we did have a computer in the year 1, 2, 3 classroom, just one – which we didn’t use very much. It was one of those big box computers which took forever to turn on! Alongside these computers we also had an abundance of books – which helped us greatly in the classroom.

BWn0Y  Over the years of school I have seen a huge change in the amount of technology in the classroom and available to students and teachers. By the time I was in year 6, we had ‘flat screen’ computers and we were using overhead projector transparencies.

ohp computerlab

By the time I was in year 12 we had been using projectors in Maths for 4 years and projectors were in almost every classroom in the school. It was so interesting thinking about the changes over the years. But it makes me think of the changes that will happen when we are teaching. After 10 years of teaching, what new technology are we going to have to learn to use and how much more are students going to know in year 8, compared to when we were in year 8?


It’s quite daunting when you think of the new technology being created and how it is going to effect out teaching as future teachers. But like the last generation of teachers we will just have to learn these new technologies and use them to enhance learning within the classroom.

To finish off, this YouTube clip has been quite popular in recent blogs, and I feel as though it is important to watch

– Ashleigh