Different Technology, Different Classroom

sir-ken-robinson-at-ted-talks-educationLast night I have to admit I got a little distracted on YouTube, although it was a good distraction. I got hooked watching TED Talks. For anyone who doesn’t know what these talks are, they’re presentations held by various different people addressing Technology, Entertainment and Design. All around the world, people present to audiences addressing a wide variety of topics, including music, creativity, the future and mathematics. However, what I got hooked on the most was listening to presenters talk about technology in education. Every presenter talked about something a little different. These TED Talks are quite long, but they are very interesting and I would encourage you to listen to just one or two. i recently followed a blooger who has a post dedicated to TED Talks.

This clip is by far my favourite – its a bit off the topic of ICTs in the classroom, but it’s so clever!

Anyway, back to technology in the classroom. I find it interesting how different subjects are able to incorporate different ICTs into their classrooms. As a HPE teacher in the future, there are limited resources which you can use in the classroom and on a sporting field. Charmaine is a fellow HPE student  studying Primary Education and she found a fantastic resource (P.E. Geek) for teachers in the classroom. This website allows you to receive updates on new apps and resources and also gives you ideas on how to incorporate ICTs into a classroom.

After surfing the web myself, I found this really awesome resource called Socrative which allows you to ask a question in the classroom and the students answer it on a tablet or computer. Once the question has been answered, you can display the answers to the class using a bar graph.

4-socrative-studentBut anyway I think thats enough about Technology for one post.

Happy Blogging,

– Ashleigh ☺